Car without Title


Registered Users (C)
Hello i will be going and renewing my TN in just a couple of days.

Question i have is that i just bought a Vehicle from Cleveland recieved the title under my name around 2-3 weeks ago. Went to a currency exchange in Chicago to apply for the plates. They informed me to come back in 10 days to pick up the plates and that the new Illinois title will be mailed to me in 15-90 days.

Its been 16 days and no number plate yet they just told me to come back on Friday . Have a copy of the Ohio title though under my name.

However as of right now no title and no plates.

i will go to the dmv and see if i can get a new set of plates before leaving which i will be in 9 days, the temp number plate expires in Janurary

My question is that when i cross the border on the Canadian side will i have any issues if i don't have the Title and if i inform them that i will be receiving the title under my name soon and show them proof of it?
Keeping in mind at this point i am not trying to import this vehicle just going to get a TN Visa

If God forbid i don't get the TN Visa how would i import the car?
Can i have any issues.

If someone went through this process please help me out, i am already really stressed out so if someone has smart comment please keep it to yourself.

Thanks for all your help
You have temp plates, and the old title, what more do you need to prove ownership? canada doesn't even issue titles, so the likley hood that Canada custims will stop you for not having an IL title is nil.

I guess you realize that the exchange place was not the best place to go.
Thanks Nelson i actually panic fairly easily. Apparently this 16-17 something year old girl took my application which i kind of doubted at the time because when i asked her how much taxes to pay her response was none and that the DMV will send me a letter.

Anyhows i called the manager today and found out that my application left today went back to the DMV asked the girl politely if she can give me the address of the person who will be filing this so i can give him a check for taxes.

She called the guy i went and paid him the check. He told me i should get the plates on Friday.

I learned something valuable today, even if it takes 5 hours at the DMV just go and do it yourself.

Thanks for all your help
Jeez got my number plate for the car.

As i said i get paranoid easily.

Thanks Nelson your post really helped me cool down a little bit.