Canadian citizen refused US entry twice at the Buffalo canadian border;


New Member

I'm canadian citizen and I was refused US entry twice at the Buffalo canadian border.

Since Nov 2012, I' m doing frequent visits to the US, traveling by bus to visit family (parents and brother) in New York city. I was refused US entry in June 2013 and Nov 2013 as follows:

- First time in June 2013: They searched me and found US utility bills with my name on them.
This is that when family arrived in the US, I indeed took the cable, the electricity and
co-signed a lease for their apartment.
The border agent accused me of leaving in the US (i.e. more in the US than in Canada).
They requested me to show ties to Canada. Please note that I was unemployed at that
time. After a couple of days, I brought them my own canadian Mortgage contract and
canadian utilities with my name on them. They let me in.

- Second time in Nov 2013: They searched me and found a letter with a canadian POBox; then accused me of not
having a fix address in Canada and also complained that I'm unemployed.
They have also requested a prof of current address such a lease and I was unable to show
one. They said that I need to proof very strong ties to canada such as having a job,
showing a lease and also I should remove any utilities (first incident) that I may carry in
the US. Like the first time, I was photographed and send back to Canada.
Since then, I haven't tried reentering in the US.

Problem: I need to urgently see my parents as they have serious medical issues. Also, I'm currently in discussions with a US company for job in the US, hence I will need a TN Visa.

Any advice on how to solve my situation?
Do you think that I have a chance to secure a TN Visa?
Should I try Waiver, Traveler Redress Inquiry Program, Form I-192, Form I-192 or write directly to the HomeLand?
How can I know what is in my US Immigration and Border Security file?
Should I use a lawyer to solve this problem?

Thank you in advance for any reply.