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Can I travel to USA before as a tourist,if I get GC?


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Hi guys!
I have one little problem and I wanted to ask you to help me out if you can?
My mom won DV2007 and we will probably have our interview in Oct-Nov.
However I will have to go to USA as a tourist in October or November,so I wanted to ask you is there a chance for me to make this happen?
Because if we get GC we can't move to USA untill April/May, because we have to finish many things in our country before we leave?
So do I have any chance to travel?
YOu can try to get B visa, but there is high chance of denial as you already showed immigration intent.. You can try though.
Thanks for the answer.I think that I can get B visa because at the embassy they don't know that I got NL for GC2007.
I will ask for B visa,but I don't know what to do if we get GC interview before my trip to USA?
I was hoping to get B visa,go to USA and stay only few days,and when I come back to go to GC interview,but I can't see this happening because our case number is very low.
What I asked is this:
If I get GC in October,can I go to USA for few days,and come back to my country?And in April/May 2007 go with my mom and stay there?
And can I use my B visa,if we get GC?
DV lottery is run by DOS and consulate is under DOS. They probably know your winning of lottery.

I dont understand what you mean ' if I got GC'.. If you got GC, you can not use B visa. If you got immigrant visa, you most likely can not get B visa either.
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You will not be granted B Visa as you have already been granted Immigrant Visa if the interview happens before your intended date of departure.

Consulate know that you have been selected for DV lottery. It happened to a friend of mine. He was selected for DV2007 and went to get B Visas where the officer queried if he had received NL. This was in April and he was not even aware of cause he had not received the letter yet. He was given B1 Visa as he was only selected and he had not even petitioned thru the DV2007 forms

If you get GC then i suggest go to US for few weeks and then return back and then go back for good.
Hi Stuart ,thanks for answer.
My ,mom is the winner of DV2007,and our interview will take place in Oct.probably because our number is EU14xx so I think we will go to consulate in October.
I thought to move the interview for a week or two because I have to be in New York from Oct 6-Oct 14.
I thought maybe to go to consulate and ask for B visa untill Oct 15,and when I come back we can go to interview?
Do you think I have chance to do this?And do you think this is possible?
Help same problem

Hi, I have the same problem with my wife, EU0004***, also Nov or Dec, and we need to travel to US from September to Nov, the thing is we can use Visa Waiver Program as we are from Spain, this is that you dont need visa to be tourist, I ask in the airport if we could have a problem to a US Immigration Officer he told me that no problem but you know sometimes they dont even know until you are there and everything changes.

So does anybody know if we will be fine or we can be denied entry.??

as long as you return to your country after stay in the US, you should be fine,, but no one can tell for sure, though.