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AOS with H2b Visa


New Member

someone try to do AOS when live in here with a H2b visa sazonal??? is because i have a H2b visa sazonal, and I need extend then by six months every year..

and my question is: I can extend the visa now in november, and if I need extend again in April, after start my AOS processure... or after start the AOs I can't extend the visa...

thanks for the help
Hi, I'm hoping that someone more knowledgeable than I am will answer your question better, but here's my attempt. I don't know if you can extend the H2B after starting AOS. I'm in the US on an H1B and sent in my AOS package in April. I will maintain valid H1B status up until the visa expires or the AOS is approved.

If you are legally in the US (in status) when you file your AOS paperwork, you will be allowed to remain in the US while your AOS case is pending, even after your initial visa has expired. You can also apply for an employment authorization document (I-765) and a travel document (I-131), if you want to be able to work and travel beyond the validity of your H2B. I don't know if you can extend the H2B or not, but I don't think you'll need to.

Disclaimer: I'm no expert so please check the facts for yourself.

Good luck to all. I'm still waiting for an FP notice. Work has been tough with 10-12 hours in lab every day, so I haven't been able to pursue my case as aggressively as I would like. Next month, I'll have a lot more time to call, email, and visit people who may be able to help my case, though.