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Am I missing something here?


Registered Users (C)
I'm finding it difficult to interprete these numbers. If cut off (for Africa) for September was 33,600, then October should even be higher. How come its 5,700. What does this mean to me? I'm 2007AF00036XXX. Thanks.
r9ronaldo said:
I'm finding it difficult to interprete these numbers. If cut off (for Africa) for September was 33,600, then October should even be higher. How come its 5,700. What does this mean to me? I'm 2007AF00036XXX. Thanks.

Ronaldo, The September cut off marked the end of the DV2006. From October the numbers are for 2007 which is the one you won. Therefore you should start observing the numbers until they get to your number ie. 36XXX. Looking at past cut off numbers, your number should be reached towards August or September of next year. Cross your fingers and good luck.