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  1. J

    Cord blood bank was a great help for me

    When doctors told us about life taking ailment with which our three old son, John was suffering we felt as if this is the end. We were completely shattered while going to oncologist. The oncologist however told us about cord blood bank system at Cyro cell.
  2. J

    Compared To Traditional Saunas, How Does Far Infrared Saunas Perform?

    The traditional sauna has many health benefits like relief from pain, relief from muscle stiffness, relief from arthritis and helps in cleaning the skin. By taking the steam from a traditional sauna, one can get a good relief from diseases like congestion and bronchitis.Infrared saunas do not...
  3. J

    Electronic Medical Claim Billing: Concept And Benefits

    Electronic medical claim billing service helps you to get out of routine task such as manual record maintenance of data and treatment. The service offers assistance to simplify the complex process of claim. If medical practitioners have the service, they can divert their specialized skills and...
  4. J

    Cord Blood Banking: Should you Bank your Baby

    Cord blood is the blood that remains in umbilical cord after a live birth. Currently the umbilical cord along with the placenta and associated blood are all discarded after birth. Cord blood stem cells have more extensive uses than bone marrow stem cells and do not face the controversy that is...