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  1. B

    What if I submit forms with errors

    people, why aren't you making copies of what you are sending? if you made a mistake, you will know it only if kept a copy. KEEP YOUR COPIES!!!!
  2. B

    DV 2012 Adjustment of Status Procedure F-1 Visa Holder

    no, no need in envelope. it is a left over from previous years when they used to send notifications and forms to your address. no more. you will need to send self addressed envelope when you are sending $440 so that they can send you receipt back.
  3. B

    What are your thoughts on this:"Visa Lottery is stupid"

    well, don't know about the H1B visa, but i do know that people wait for YEARS for family based visas. and come on, it's a family. so yes, there is definitely a place for improvement but it's a far cry from calling something stupid simply because you don' t like it. I don't like some people, but...
  4. B

    DV-2012: Grounds for Visa Refusal/denial

    what are the amendments? they might not be important or might be very important. if they are important, they usually advice to submit another 230 form and an explanation letter along with it. did you try to email them and ask?
  5. B

    DV 2012 Lottery Entrant Status Check Problems

    well, it's noon, and it's still down :(
  6. B

    What are your thoughts on this:"Visa Lottery is stupid"

    i think that the author of the video is stupid. although, i haven't seen it. lol. but if what you are saying is true, it is ridiculous. it's like saying "don't come to play in my sandbox." US as a country is build on immigration. was and probably always will be. so saying "lottery is stupid" is...
  7. B

    Should I do the medical exam NOW or wait until I receive the interview letter

    you can do it right after you send you I-485 form (the second package) and while waiting for it to be processed and interview scheduled. that will give you enough time.
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    DV 2012 Lottery Entrant Status Check Problems

    well, i hope it is the correct info.
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    DV 2012 Lottery Entrant Status Check Problems

    it happens every year dude. chill. jay, i didn't say you. i asked if there is another brave soul. lol
  10. B

    DV 2012 Lottery Entrant Status Check Problems

    well, even if the server was up, you can't check without confirm number. By the way, any brave souls to call again today? :)
  11. B

    WSJ: More people apply DV2012 at LAST DAY (Nov3) than First day (Oct5) !

    OK, i'm done here. sorry Excess, you are ridiculous. KCC is aware of everything, if they choose to do something, they will not report to you. So whether there will be 19mill people (actually, it's 14.5) on the first day or not shouldn't be your problem. You obviously know nothing about losing...
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    WSJ: More people apply DV2012 at LAST DAY (Nov3) than First day (Oct5) !

    OMG. this is absolutely ridiculous. I don't understand why some people think that one winning is less eligible than other based on the date they filed. WE DIDN'T CHOOSE IT!!! it was the computer who did the choosing. on purpose or not, it's the fact. And yes, article says nothing about how...
  13. B

    barcode for shipping the forms

    bar code comes as a second page to the notification letter. if you printed out the letter, the second page should be the barcode (that's how i had it). if you don't have the separate bar code page, you don't have to send it at all. it's enough if you just send your 122 form (and 230 if you need...
  14. B

    DV2012 Selected for further processing - pregnancy/new baby question!

    you do not need a bar-code at all at this point. Just send your 122 and 230 forms with the case number and photos (if you are doing AOS, no need in form 230) I asked KCC regarding the bar code and they said it is desirable but not an absolute must. So you can send even if you don't have it.
  15. B

    DV-2012: Grounds for Visa Refusal/denial

    well, did they had an affidavit of support? that might explain it. Usually, they either request enough financials or affidavit. one should be enough, no affidavit - 125% of poverty guide line. I'm not trying to argue, i'm just saying what i know.
  16. B

    DV-2012: Grounds for Visa Refusal/denial

    is it? i'm pretty sure they request proves that you have enough resources and their guide line is 125% of the poverty line. Or, you might need an affidavit of support. one of them should work.
  17. B

    DV-2012: Grounds for Visa Refusal/denial

    unfortunately no, but i'm sure you can find it online.
  18. B

    DV-2012: Grounds for Visa Refusal/denial

    125% of the poverty guide line.
  19. B

    DV-2012: Grounds for Visa Refusal/denial

    well, there is such a thing as public health insurance. for free. in some states. lol any way, it depends on what kind of disease it is. They are highly afraid of contagious diseases such as TB etc. so that is why it is on the list for 100% (or even a concern that one might have it.) the rest...
  20. B

    Notice Left by USPS at KCC yesterday. What should I do?

    they usually try to redeliver the next day. what is weird, is that USPS do not usually try to deliver on Sunday. If you are concerned, call USPS and ask.