Will there any problem if there is a middle name on my diploma but not in my other legal documents?


New Member
Just wondering if anyone has experienced this

my diploma (both Bachelor and Graduate) has a middle name, so it's like First Name + Middle + Last Name

but all my other legal documents (passport and birth certificate) do not have the middle name.

should I go back to my university and change my name and reprint the diploma?

I was a little worried that the officers at the border might give me any trouble because that middle name is not in any other document, after all, my degree parchment don't have a photo of me
So, you have a job interview, which you successfuilly pass, thus you are able to prove to your potential employer that you are qualified for this particular category of job, and now you have gone and found someone with the same name as you (but with a different middle name) and will use their diploma? Let's not get too far-fetched.
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