Residence at UPS store, problem?


Registered Users (C)
Hello all,

I want to move myself to Texas, but I don't want to move right now and my lease is going to expire very soon. In a gap time, I was thinking about going to travel for 3-4 months as it will not likely make any problems for naturalization.

Is it possible to rent a real looking street mailing address from, say, UPS store and be clean with the immigration? I have been thinking about changing the address to there for my drivers license, car, insurance, etc.

Will this create any potential issues at the time of naturalization?
Thank you Jackolantern. Say:

what-if I rent a private mailbox USPS PO Box and use it for all communication with my employer, my bank, credit card companies? Only for the immigration on AR-11 I would use a real address (with my friend) where I am most of the time.

So two addresses. PO Box for everything, and street address for the sake of immigration. Would that work?

Will this have any negative impact on naturalization?