Recent content by tiger

  1. T

    What Checks Do the INS Perform on the Legitimacy of a Marriage

    Hi, I know that when you get married to a citizen the INS performs all sorts of checks. However, what about GC? Will they do any checks beyond the marriage certificate? Will they ask us questions like which side of the bed do you sleep on etc? Will they ask for copies of our wedding...
  2. T

    Vishnu Mahadev Congratulations on your approval. Can you come clean with us

    No Title I didn\'t post my details as yet. My RD is 06/23, EB2 RIR, India, FP notice 10/28 done 11/08 at San Jose (scheduled at Oakland). There are lots of us lurkers about who don\'t want to get dragged into the day to day waiting for approval. Vishnu must have really messed with your...
  3. T

    Vishnu Mahadev Congratulations on your approval. Can you come clean with us

    I was asking out of curosity I bear no harm to Vishnu, but my curosity got the better of me and I wanted to know if he did have multiple aliases. After all, if he did have multiple aliases know one died as a result. So there is no harm done.
  4. T

    Vishnu Mahadev Congratulations on your approval. Can you come clean with us

    Vishnu, My hearty congratulations from me and others on your approval. This waiting for GC is painful. Can you come clean with us? Were you pretending to be your co-worker and those other aliases that always came in support of you when you were critized? I don\'t expect you to reply...
  5. T

    Photo question

    No Title I suggest you shrink your head. Try a solution of soap in hot water! The INS are particularly strict about the angle of the picture (45 degrees) and whether any hair is on your face or covering your exposed (facing the camera) ear.
  6. T

    Message for rsrgc

    No Title This guy Vishnu is really messed. One minute he\'s telling people of, the next he\'s writing soppy letters thanking people. He has this love/hate relationship with this board. He\'s kind of weird in my opinion.
  7. T

    Multiple Wives on I485 application

    No Title I emailed attorney. He said that I cannot bring over all wives. I must choose one, others cannot come over ever as they are no relation to me. If I tick the box labelled polyagmy I will not be given green card. Why does this country force us to make these hard decisions. I...
  8. T

    Multiple Wives on I485 application

    I am from Kurdistan  
  9. T

    Multiple Wives on I485 application

    No Title It is better that I marry them, support them and give them a place to sleep and live than let them live on the street.
  10. T

    Multiple Wives on I485 application

    Thank you. Are you really only allowed to bring over 2 children? I have six, at last count, I can\'t very well leave four behind. Or are you saying on the entry trip I can only bring over two children and then show i can support them and then bring over the remaining four. The...
  11. T

    Multiple Wives on I485 application

    Please don\'t laugh or judge me. I am being honest and not pretending this is a problem of a "friend". I have three wives. Am I able to add them all to my I485 application or can I only add one. Will the INS frown upon this. If I can add only one, how can I bring the others...
  12. T

    Just Spoke to an IIO , please throw some light on what that means

    No Title I think it means it is assigned to an officer who is adjudicating it. You should ask the IIO has my case being assigned to an officer. If so, then you should hear something in a few weeks at most.
  13. T

    approved RD 05/20 - Took 11 months in total

    No Title WAC 01-243-5xxxx Country - other EB2 LC filed 03/01/01 (don\'t know when it got approved) I140 filed 04/02/01 approved 05/14/01 I485 filed 05/20/01 approved today. FP done at Oakland on 11/08/01 as scheduled (tried to go earlier, but couldn\'t) I saved time by doing...