Recent content by dkgusdl28

  1. D

    Name change, N600. Help!

    I became a naturalized US citizen couple years back when my father became a citizen. However, I did not file for a naturalization certificate. I did not know about the whole minor becomes US citizen if parent becomes a citizen so I actually applied for citizenship myself and wasted $700...
  2. D

    Permanent Resident Card and US Citizenship

    My permanent resident card was issued when I was young and I didn't realize that I had to get it renewed. (It says you need to get it renewed if: your card was issued to you before you were 14 and you have reached your 14th birthday (unless your card expires before your 16th birthday) I have...
  3. D

    If the USCIS cashed in your check, does that mean your document was filled out correctly?

    I mailed in my N400 and the check was cashed in yesterday. Just wondering if this means that I filed in my documents correctly.