

6/9/08 -130,485 to CCG
D00:6/11/08 - AD
D06:6/17/08 - Casd
D09:6/20/08 - NOA
D30:07/11/08 - LUD 130
D31:07/12/08 - FP done
D33:07/14/08 - LUD 485
D42: 07/23/08- req my BC
D69: 08/20/08-130s, 485s to CSC
D73: 08/24/08-ND 131
D103: 9/23/08-LUD 485s,
D123:10/13/08-131s rcvd, 49 ds
D159:11/19/08 Dad 130 aprd
D165:11/25/08 Dad RFE
D173:12/03/08 Mom 130 aprd
D189:12/19/08 Dad GC
D214:1/13/09-infopass- no info
LUD daily 1/14-1/21
D250:2/18/09-Mom GC


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